Centro di Formazione Vittorio Tadini s.c.a.r.l
Centro Servizi PMI
Cesvip - centro sviluppo imprenditoria piacentina - società cooperativa a r.l.
Consorzio Forpin - Formazione Professionale Industria
Enaip piacenza
Endo-fap Don Orione
Form.art - ente di formazione professionale
IRECOOP Emilia Romagna Società Cooperativa
Ial cisl emilia romagna - sede di piacenza
Iscom formazione piacenza - centro di formazione professionale dell’unione commercianti di piacenza
Tutor orientamento formazione e cultura s.p.a
Thecla Informatica S.r.l.
Informagiovani: formazione professionale e apprendistato
Post-graduate training centres
ITS – Istituto Tecnico Superiore per la mobilità sostenibile e la logistica
Centro di Formazione Vittorio Tadini s.c.a.r.l
Centre recognised by Regione Emilia Romagna to provide trainiing for disabled and apprenticeship activities at all levels. It works in the fields of agricultural and zootechnical training, of environmental issues and of training for businesses and public administration. It takes part in tenders issued by Ministero dell’Ambinete, by MIUR and by Ministero del Lavoro.
Centro Servizi PMI
The centre supports the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises and promotes professional development of individuals by offering training, research and consultancy services.
Cesvip - centro sviluppo imprenditoria piacentina - società cooperativa a r.l.
The Centre develops its activities in the field of apprenticeship and occupational training. It organizes internships aimed at promoting the entry in the labour market of youth and adults, higher education courses and masters.
Centre for training at all levels. It develops training plans for companies, thanks to the funds from the European Social Fund (ESF), too. It is recognized for regulated training courses (first aid, fire fighting, h&s manager, workers' health and safety representative, forklift driver...). It supports companies in presenting their projects to the different Fondi Interprofessionali.
Consorzio Forpin - formazione professionale industria
The centre provides companies with a permanent structure able to develop tailor-made training projects and research in many areas of business organization. It carries out occupational training (management consulting for the development of local and international competitive strategies, plans management, development of national and transnational studies aim at the creation of a network of knowledge and good practice sharing), training activities for employees (training programs to develop skills and competences) and training activities for young people and unemployed (school-work solutions, internships and ITS and HTE courses and Higher Education).
Centre for vocational training in the agricultural sector. Its headquarters are in Bologna but it has seven business units set in the province. The corporate structure is constituted by CRPA (centro ricerche produzioni animali), CRPV (centro ricerche produzioni vegetali), CIA, Coldiretti e Confagricoltura dell'Emilia-Romagna.
En.A.I.P. of the province of Piacenza, in particular ACLI – Associazioni Cristiane Lavoratori Italiani – works in vocational training, career counseling and business consulting for the development of human resources. In 1997, they obtained the Quality Certification UNI EN ISO 9001 and in 2003 the certification UNI EN ISO 9001: 2000 (Vision 2000).
Endo-fap Don Orione
It is a centre for vocational training, integrated coordination of career counseling, training and job placement. It organises training courses and advanced training courses for companies and health professionals, CME courses for educators and professional nurses, computer courses.
Form.art - ente di formazione professionale
It is a center that offers training services to micro and small enterprises. It has acquired specific experience in managing training courses for employed adults and young workers employed under a contract of apprenticeship, by training provided for in the contract reference.
IRECOOP Emilia Romagna
It is the body of emanation of Confcooperative Emilia-Romagna. It organises research training, it promotes and develops the local system of enterprises, by exploiting the cooperation between the pre-existing system of more than 1.800 associated companies and 72.000 employees. Over the years, it has consolidated its know-how on HR training, on apprenticeship, on competence certification, on school cooperative learning and on providing new cooperative companies with support. It works in every field of cooperation development (agrobusiness, credit, public health, logistics, tourism and culture) and in particular, it concentrates on professional inclusion of weak individuals (prisoners, handicapped people, unemployed, youth, women and immigrants). IRECOOP supports cooperative companies in taking part in transnational projects in order to foster local experiences from the perspective of exchanging and internationalising knowledge and opportunities.
It is a centre specialised in professional and refresher training and qualification for youth looking for a job, socially vulnerable groups and employed. It has experience in several areas (ITC and multimedia communication, industrial automation, environmental and tourist local development, culture and entertainment, welfare services).
Its branch in Piacenza deals with training apprentices and it is located at the local Scuola Alberghiera e di Ristorazione.
It offers training courses to young people looking for a job and business consulting to enterprises that are interested in developing experimental or complex training activities. It develop different kinds of projects (multi-regional, international and intersector) in cooperation with other public and private training centers. It can provide online training thanks to Iscomelearning platform.
Scuola edile Piacenza
In Piacenza, the centres that deal with the professional training of construction workers are Associazione degli Industriali della Provincia di Piacenza and three trade unions, C.G.I.L. Sindacato Provinciale F.I.L.L.E.A., C.I.S.L. Sindacato Prov. F.I.L.C.A. and U.I.L. Sindacato Provinciale Fe.N.E.A.L.
Thecla Informatica S.r.l.
It is a training centre specialised in IT courses (occupational and private courses, at different entry levels, with different operating methods, VoIP as well).
It is a traning agency located in Piacenza and Fiorenzuola. Its targets are companies or public administrations, young people, women and handicapped people. It has had relevant role on the local, regional and transnational ground thanks to its involvement into European projects for ages.
Post-graduate training centres
ITS – Istituto Tecnico Superiore per la mobilità sostenibile e la logistica
The ITS Foundation in Piacenza provides a two years course to become a “Tecnico Superiore per l’infomobilità e le infrastrutture logistiche, indirizzo: logistica integrata”.
This professional manages and controls the physical flows of means of transportations/goods/people. He/she manages the information between the point of origin and the point of consumption and has an overall perspective on the three modes of transport: earth, water and air. He/she has a systemic competence of supply chain and is able to manage relationships with the other participants, inside and outside the company. This degree has national and European validity, with reference to the European Qualifications Framework, V level.
Portale della Regione Emilia-Romagna. Informagiovani online